Why does this return a 0 length?
1.arrays - why does `x[0]` return a zero-length vector? - Stack ...
Description:Say I have a vector, for example, x <- 1:10, then x[0] returns
a zero-length vector of the same class as x, here integer(0). I was
wondering if there is a reason ...
2.javascript - Why does this return a 0 length? - Stack Overflow
Description:It has a length of 0 because the Array length property returns
a number one higher than the highest numeric index. You'd get a length of
1 if you did this:
3.java - Why does "||".split("\\|").length return 0 and not 3 ...
Description:When there are adjacent separators in the split expression I
expect null or an empty string--not have it eliminated. The Java code is
below: public class splitter ...
4.why does `x[0]` return a zero-length vector? | inside-R | A ...
Description:This is a feed of questions about R from StackOverflow.com.
Follow the link at the bottom of each question to find answers from
StackOverflow.com users.
5.Oracle: Why does PL/SQL not support 0 length strings? - oracle ...
Description:Question/Article of: 'Why does PL/SQL not support 0 length
strings?', with 4 Comments. Oracle Database. ... Why does '' return null
instead of an empty string?
6.Why does malloc(0) return valid memory address ? What's the use ?
Description:malloc(0) does not return a non-NULL under every
implementation. An implementation is free to behave in a manner it finds
suitable, if the allocation size requested ...
7.Why does LoadString return NULL for zero-length strings?
Description:... the only time there should be a string constant in a
binary chunk of length 0 is when someone is being ... Why does LoadString
return NULL for zero-length ...
8.Why does length([1.1]) return 7? - MaplePrimes
Description:What does the command length( ) return when the input is a
list? For example length([1,1]) returns 7, how does length arrive at this
9.Re: Why does LoadString return NULL for zero-length strings?
Description:Thread Prev][Thread Next] [Thread Index] Subject: Re: Why does
LoadString return NULL for zero-length strings? From: Luiz Henrique de
Figueiredo <lhf@...
10.Why does malloc(0) return valid memory address ?
Description:Why does malloc(0) return valid memory address ? What's the
use ? - C Interview Questions and Answers.
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